The following is an easy script that searches your domain for the hostname or ip address and retrieves the serial, manufacturer, model, and bios for a computer. Note: You must be domain admin
:: This bat-file shows serial number, manufacturer and model for a computer :: Written by JD :: 12/5/2012 @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO This shows serial, manufacturer, model, and bios for a computer @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO OFF :TOP SET /P computername=Enter computername: echo. wmic /node:"%computername%" bios get serialnumber WMIC /node:"%computername%" BIOS Get Manufacturer WMIC /node:"%computername%" computersystem Get Model WMIC /node:"%computername%" BIOS Get version @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO Press any key to do new search... @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------- pause >nul Goto Top